Archives for category: white

Star Chart Series V

Star Chart Series Drawing V

Mixed media on black recycled card


I’m moving between composed drawings and ones where a pre-determined process determines the outcome. This style is composed; working on it felt like the way I used to approach paintings and collages, where each part would effect the whole and many revisions take place before a fragile balance is achieved.

Spiral From 2

A recreation of an earlier work using black chalk on a white wall at Framewerk gallery in Belfast. This drawing was the basis of a ten minute sound piece exploring order and chaos which Ben Behzadafshar and I performed in the gallery. He played guitar and I drummed. It was part of the month long BASS sound art season in the gallery in June of this year.

The drawing obeyed the same governing rules as the original but the results are subtly different.

Spiral From 2 close